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Can my cat's unusual lack of energy and tiredness be an indication of feline diabetes?

Asked 2 years ago

My boyfriend recently adopted a Siamese cat for us, and he's been a joy to be around. He's usually active and doesn't mind acting silly for attention. I've recently noticed that he has an unusual lack of energy, which goes beyond him napping. He doesn't seem to want to eat as much, and I'm worried it's something serious.

Don Webster

Thursday, March 09, 2023

It sounds like your cat has sudden lethargy, a condition where he is not behaving like himself and does not want to walk around, play, jump, or interact. Lethargy differs from being sleepy and can be caused by several conditions, including stress, fever, pain, dehydration, parasites, urinary tract disease, kidney or liver disease, etc. Feline diabetes can cause lethargy, usually accompanied by other symptoms such as increased water intake and frequent urination. Your vet should thoroughly check your cat out for a diagnosis of the underlying cause.

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