Should I be anxious that my cat's sudden aggressive behavior could be caused by feline rabies?
Asked 2 years ago
I recently adopted an Abyssinian cat from a pet shelter near me. He's been a great addition to the family, more like a clown. He was out for a day and was discovered wandering around my apartment complex. He's changed and become more aggressive recently, and I suspect something bad has happened to him.
Marcel Leblanc
Tuesday, March 07, 2023
If your cat is up to date on rabies vaccine, then I would not suspect rabies right away. Although, if your pet is not up to date on other vaccines it could be a different type of zoonotic disease such as feline aids or leukemia that can cause changes in behavior. Also a stressful even could have occurred to change his behavior. I would have your cat seen by a veterinarian for further workup.
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