DailyTails Answers
Have a question about your cat or dog’s health, diet, or behavior? Our pet experts offer easy-to-understand and practical answers to a broad range of questions pet owners commonly ask.
Recent Answers
Can My Dog Eat Cat Grass?
Have you ever caught your dog munching on grass and wondered why? Or perhaps you're curious whether the cat grass you grow for your feline friend could benefit your dog as well. It's not unusual to fi
Asked 2 years ago
Do Cats Hide When They Are Feeling Sick?
Have you ever noticed your feline companion behaving oddly, perhaps hiding more often than usual? As a cat owner, it's crucial to understand that such behavior can indicate they're not feeling well. W
Asked 2 years ago
Are Plug-In Air Fresheners Safe for Cats?
Have you ever noticed your cat sneezing or appearing uncomfortable when your plug-in air freshener releases its scent? You're not alone. Many cat owners are unaware that these popular household items
Asked 2 years ago
Are Bath & Body Works Candles Safe for Cats?
Did you know that the scented candles you love could be harmful to your cat? As a cat owner, it's crucial to understand the potential risks associated with certain types of candles. The Scented Candle
Asked 2 years ago
Can I Still Get Cat Insurance for a Cat with FIV?
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV, is an illness that damages a cat's white blood cells, which defend against infection. FIV weakens a cat's immune system, making it easier for them to catch other
Asked 2 years ago