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Davor Štefanović - Editor for DailyTails

Davor Štefanović


Editing, Proofreading, Content Writing, Research


BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Novi Sad


Davor is an English literature graduate and an avid reader with a passion for languages. His work experience has allowed him to learn about a wide range of topics—giving him a broad perspective and knowledgebase. In his spare time, he plays video games and board games and runs tabletop RPGs.

Quote From Davor Štefanović

“If you want to ‘think outside the box,’ make sure you at least know where the box is.”

About Daily Tail's Editorial Process

Daily Tails' team of dedicated pet lovers and experts is devoted to delivering valuable insights, news, and in-depth knowledge on all things related to pets and pet insurance. We strive to inform and empower pet owners, ensuring that the information we provide is up to date and accurate. Our content is carefully curated from trusted sources within the pet industry, and proper attribution is given when necessary. Every piece of content undergoes rigorous review and editing to maintain our commitment to excellence in the pet world. Discover more about our principles and procedures by exploring our Editorial Policy.

Latest from Davor Štefanović


