Can a high-carbohydrate diet increase my dog's risk of canine arthritis?
Asked 2 years ago
My basset hound is getting on in years. He's been gaining a lot of weight lately, and it's affecting his stance. I've been feeding him grain-based pet food, which I believe is high in carbs. I'm concerned that if he continues to pack weight, he'll develop arthritis.
Kelton Cardenas
Thursday, March 09, 2023
Basset Hounds are prone to obesity which can cause or worsen joint problems such as arthritis, back pain, and knee problems. If you notice that his stance is affected, you should have him checked out by the vet to make sure he doesn't have an underlying condition. Your vet may recommend a joint supplement such as glucosamine chondroitin and an age-appropriate low-carb diet for your senior basset.
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